Shop Policies

Processing/Shipping Time

Unless otherwise indicated, we begin processing orders immediately upon receipt, with the goal of shipping your item(s) within 5-7 business days. Orders are delivered via USPS and typically take 2-5 business days to arrive once shipped in the U.S. Delivery times for international orders may vary, but usually take 1-4 weeks to arrive via USPS.

Should we encounter any unforeseen issues when processing or shipping your item(s), we will do our best to keep you notified of any potential delays to your order status. If you have any questions or concerns about the status of your order after it has shipped, it is best to contact USPS for the most accurate updates.

Please be sure to double-check your shipping information before checking out to ensure your order reaches you. Dai Dee cannot be held responsible for incorrect delivery or non-delivery of packages, nor can we issue refunds or replacements for orders delivered to the wrong address, due to incorrect shipping information customers provide. If you need to update or correct your shipping information after you’ve placed your order, please contact us as soon as possible so we can make the changes prior to shipping the package.


All sales are final. However, we do accept returns or exchanges in the event that a product is damaged in transit, or if you received an incorrect item. The bottom line is that we want you to be happy with your purchase and will do what we can to make sure you get what you ordered. We do carefully check items before shipping to ensure customer satisfaction, but in the rare event that you’ve received a damaged or incorrect item, please notify us within 3 days of receiving your order and we’ll work to correct the problem. Thank you!


Life happens. So do accidental orders. While we aim to begin processing orders immediately upon receipt, we still try to give you a little wiggle room. If you’d like to cancel or make any updates to your order, please contact us within 2 hours of placing it. Beyond that, we can't make any promises, but we will do our best to accommodate your request if your order has not yet shipped. Once your order has shipped, we’re no longer able to make cancel, refund, or make changes to your order.

Intellectual Property

All materials on this site (i.e., images, designs, and content) are the intellectual property of Dai Dee, LLC and are protected by copyright laws. Unauthorized use, reproduction, display, modification, or distribution of this content is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. For permission to use content on this site, please contact


Please contact us with any questions, concerns, or general musings you may have about your order. We’re to help make sure you get good stuff.